A Breakaway

‘I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly,
I’ll do what it takes till I touch the sky,
And I’ll make a wish,
Take a chance,
Make a change
And breakaway.’

-Kelly Clarkson (Breakaway)

Have you ever come to that time in your life when you felt just plain invincible? That moment when you’re standing on the periphery of the ocean side, staring out into that endless blue that keeps you right on the edge of discovering the unknown and keeping you safe in the arms of your own comfort zone. That time when your feet curl into that warm sand with that feeling of bliss bubbling in your chest, holding you captive with a feeling of euphoria. 

Maybe even inspiration.
Inspiration to keep going with a smile lit on your face because suddenly life seems so beautiful it almost brings tears to your eyes just thinking about the possibilities.  Perhaps it was beautiful all along, buried deep underneath the surface just waiting to be dug up from below the dirt.  Almost like a true diamond hidden in the rough, waiting to be discovered.  Much like that smile that now highlights your lips like a ray of sun that can’t help from bursting forth in a symphony of cheer.

Throughout his life, he felt as though he hadn’t been heard.
            As though his words were always taken in by deaf ears.
The soft thrum of his knee jumping up and down in nervous excitement could probably be heard all the way in Antarctica with how hard he was shivering in nervous excitement. 
His first acceptance letter had just arrived in the mail.  At least he hoped it was meant for acceptance.  He'd applied only a couple of months ago and was surprised at how quickly the response had come.  Of course his jittery happiness all depended on the words written in that neat print scrawled across the pristine white page folded neatly in that Manila envelope he had yet to open. 
 That dreaded 'declined' or that heart stopping 'accepted'.  
He gulped.
Maybe he should just ask someone else to open it.

We all have a darkness that lurks within us, caressing our depths with secrets that no one wants to say out loud. 
And that is perfectly alright. 
Whatever you've been through, whatever you've seen, heard, had to feel because of the HATE that you were subjected to, you are here today because you kept on going. 
You know how to look all that HATE in the face and SMILE because it no longer affects you anymore. 
While you've learned to spread your wings and fly, all those who pulled you down are still standing with both feet planted on the ground because they refused to acknowledge the possibilities and the capability that you held in your hands from day one. Maybe if people decided to look at who you really are rather than boxing you up into a cage of judgment, they wouldn't be so surprised every time you did something that they've tagged as impossible.  You’ve learned to prove people wrong by showing them that it’s okay to be DIFFERENT.  That it’s okay to aspire, inspire and lead to a revolution with only a couple of words written on a piece of parchment.  That it's okay to make a DIFFERENCE by giving others some compassion, love and a smile that may or may not make their day. 

His finger continued flicking the lip of the envelope flap up and down in quiet trepidation. 
He closed his eyes and counted to ten before tearing open the Manila to divulge further into the contours of the letter. 
With shaking hands he slowly unfolded the page and read nothing but the first word written in black bold print.

Dream as much as your heart contends. 
One day it will pay off. 
And all those people who told you to put off your dreaming for another time and your planning of that ever brighter future to the side because you were never going to reach it are as wrong as they'll ever be.   
Dream to touch the stars and you'll at least make it to the moon.

            It was almost amusing to him how the world could play its strings while staring him straight in the face.
            “Hey, you’re up in three!” the stage manager said while ushering him towards the stage. 
            He cast a quick glance at his translator waiting for her to confirm if he’d read the man’s lips correctly.
            Quickly signing in the air she confirmed his suspicions as he was pushed towards a grand piano in front of a large crowd of people.
            He smiled as he joined his Juilliard classmates in their moment of musical ecstasy.
           Breakaway with wings glinting in the morning light feeling the blush on your cheeks and that ever growing smile on your lips. 
You deserve the happiness that the world has to offer. 
Dark times may still exist. 
But sometimes seeing a way out is all that is needed to continue living life to its fullest.

Throughout his life, he felt as though he hadn’t been heard.
            As though his words were always taken in by deaf ears.
            His music though, was always listened to even in the loudest of silences.

Smile just because you can.
And invincible.

1 comment:

  1. Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson was one of the first songs that I listened to as a child. It always inspired me to continue with all my passions regardless of what other people said and also to stand up for what I believed in. For all you Justice Seeker's out there, I hope that everyday will make you smile brighter than the last, and that every dawn brings you the will to continue breaking the norm and creating limitless possibilities for yourselves. Love you guys. Always:)
