Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Peter Pan

"We can sail away Tonight,
On a sea of pure moonlight.
We can navigate the stars,
Bring us back home.
In a place so far way,
We'll be young, that's how we'll stay."

-Zendaya (Neverland)

Old photographs,
That line these walls, 
Of you and I. 

Frozen in time,  
Little wide eyes, 
Climbing cherry trees and catching butterflies, 
Holding hands as we, 
Run in meadows made of dandelion. 

“Till we’re old and gray,” you’d promise, 
Little chubby finger wrapped around mine, 
Pinkies intertwined. 

Old and gray. 
We never became. 
Yet, the cherry trees outside shed their leaves, 
The butterflies fly away. 
Petals of dandelion, drift in the wind, 
Along with your presence, 
Long gone. 

And I remain,  
Pinky promises forgotten, 
To the reality, 
Of growing up. 

My dear Peter Pan,  
Won’t you come back? 

1 comment:

  1. Hello all you Justice Seekers! I'm back!
    It feels like it's been ages, and to all you readers old and new, thank you for sticking around.
    Okay, a couple of updates, let's see, I've started to write a compilation of poetry which I plan to put out there in the distant future, which goes by the name, "The Hidden Veil." So, for any of you poem fanatics, hit me up on instagram @k.j.justice, and we can talk poetry.
    Anyways, after this extremely long period of time, here I am, back with a poem just for you all, titled 'Peter Pan.' The song for this post is also one of my favorites, sang by the ever inspiring Zendaya. What is something that Peter Pan and Zendaya have in common? Well, they both are inspirations in their own right, if I may say so myself.

    The 'Die Again' fact for this week is that the tag line for the book is, "Some things are worth dying for. Others are worth dying again."
    For those of you who aren't aware of what 'Die Again' is, it is a young adult thriller novel which I plan to publish later on next year:)

    Hopefully, next post will be a lot sooner than this one was. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more about poetry from you guys. Once again, if you'd like to talk poetry, hit me up on my instagram @k.j.justice, where we can talk about poetry ideas, topics and just the general kind of stuff poetry lovers talk about.

    Spread the love. Always.
